The Grounded Journey - Uncategorized


Like so many women out there I often feel like 10 people wrapped up in one. I’m a mother, a wife, a career professional, community member, a daughter, a sister, a best friend, a philanthropist, an entrepreneur, and an average human being. With all these roles comes competing demands. And like everybody else, I struggle with the pull of the expectations I place on myself to be everything for everyone at all times.

Through all of this, I’m eternally curious and filled with joy, gratitude, and wonder to be on this amazing journey of life. I’m grounded in my essence while constantly seeking to grow.

This blog is my way of building a community along the journey, sharing what I’ve learned (and am still learning), and creating a place for great resources about all the things that matter — our health, our happiness, our families, and our future.

What You’ll Find Here

  • Wellness & Whole-Body Healing: Real-life ways to care for your body and mind. 
  • Balancing Work & Life: Strategies for prioritizing your personal life while continuing to nurture your career
  • Parenting Teens & Beyond: Less advice…more shared experience. Let’s face it…no one has all the answers. What works for me might not work for you, but I’ll share what’s working and how I’m learning through the journey.
  • Travel, Adventure & Finding Calm: How connecting to nature, new cultures, and the beautiful world can help us reset, grow, and recharge.
person stands on brown pathway
Photo by Tobi on

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Thank you for joining me on this journey.

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